Fall 2015 (Tulane)

A highlight on our research was published on the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) website. See: Organics Energize Solar Cell Research

Noa is co-organizing with Volker Blum (Duke University), Thomas Körzdörfer (University of Potsdam, Germany), and Claudia Draxl (Humboldt University, Germany) the Focus Topic Many-Body Perturbation Theory for Electronic Excitations in Materials at the 2016 APS March Meeting (March 14-18, Baltimore, MD). This focus topic is dedicated to recent advances in many-body perturbation theory methods for electronic excitations, their scalable implementations in electronic structure codes, and their applications to functional materials, interfaces, molecules, and nano-structures.

Please submit your abstracts!

Noa’s project “Electronic Structure Based Discovery of Hybrid Photovoltaic Materials on Next-Generation HPC Platforms” with Volker Blum (Duke University, PI), Jianfeng Lu (Duke University), Seyong Lee (Oak Ridge National Lab), David Mitzi (Duke University), Matthew Sfeir (Brookhaven National Lab),  and Alvaro Vazquez-Mayagoitia (Argonne National Lab) has been selected as a Tier 2 Theta Early Science Project.