Open Positions
There are no open positions for Ph.D. students for Fall 2025 (check back for updates in August).
The application deadline for the MSE PhD program is January 8 2025 for Fall 2025. It is also possible to join the group through the Chemistry PhD program and the Physics PhD program. The application deadline is December 15 2024 for Fall 2025. Note that for all three programs admission decisions are made by a departmental committee, not by individual professors, and admitted students are not preassigned to advisors. Admitted students interested in computational research may join any of the computational groups in the department (including affiliated groups from other departments) upon their arrival at CMU. For questions related to MSE graduate admissions, contact Ms. Jeanna Pekarcik (jossler[at]andrew[dot]cmu[dot]edu).
There are open positions for research-based M.S. students in all projects. Admitted students interested in pursuing research in computational materials science may contact Prof. Marom. Others may apply to the MSE Master of Science program. The deadline for Fall 2025 is January 15, 2025.
Short term research projects for physics students: First year PhD students in the Department of Physics who wish to pursue computational research to fulfill the short term research requirement may contact Prof. Marom. A two-semester commitment is requested.
There are open positions for undergraduate students. Interested students should email Prof. Marom with their transcript, resume, and a statement of purpose explaining their interest in pursuing research in computational materials science in relation to their past experience and future goals. Students interested in summer research are advised to apply for SURF or SURA. During the academic year research may be taken for credit. Also check out the Materials for Future Computing REU program (application deadline 3/31/2025)
Postdoc positions are only available for candidates who obtain their own funding. Self-funded postdoc applicants (or candidates working on obtaining their own funding) should email Prof. Marom with the subject “SELF-FUNDED postdoc applicant”.
Members of underrepresented minorities in the US may apply for the NSF Mathematical and Physical Sciences Ascending Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (MPS-Ascend) program.
Candidates whose research and service will contribute to diversity and equal opportunity in higher education may apply for CMU’s President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program.
International candidates should seek funding from agencies in their home countries. Prof. Marom has no information on international postdoctoral fellowship programs.
Note: Prof. Marom will not respond to inquiries if there are no open positions in your category.