Fall 2018
Happy holidays!
At the MSE holiday party
Noa and collaborators Volker Blum (Duke University), Oliver Hofmann (TU Graz, Austria), Harald Oberhofer (TU Munich, Germany), Patrick Rinke (Aalto University, Finland), and Alvaro Vazquez-Mayagoitia (Argonne National Lab) received a 2019 DOE INCITE Award of 256,000,000 core-hours (16,000,000 node-hours) on Mira and 64,000,000 core-hours (1,000,000 node-hours) on Theta at ALCF for the project “Materials and Interfaces for Organic and Hybrid Photovoltaics”.
Welcome new undergraduate assistant Andrea Hwang, new MS student Chunzhi Wu, and new PhD students, Wen Wen and Saeed Moayedpour!
We thank the NSF for funding our EAGER project “Data Driven Discovery of Singlet Fission Materials” in collaboration with Brian Reich (North Carolina State University)
Noa and collaborators Vlad Pribiag (PI, University of Minnesota), Paul Crowell (University of Minnesota), Chris Palmstrøm (University of California, Santa Barbara), and Sergey Frolov (University of Pittsburgh) were awarded a $2.25 million DOE grant for the project “Integrated Materials Platforms for Topological Quantum Computing Devices“
Happy Halloween!
This Fall catch Noa at:
- Sackler-CECAM school and workshop on Frontiers in Molecular Dynamics: Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Coarse Graining
- The Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) Bio-inspired Solar Energy program meeting
- 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting
- PIRE:HYBRID 2018 Conference on materials for Quantum Computing
- 2018 MRS Fall Meeting