Fall 2022

Noa joins npj Computational Materials (2021 two-year impact factor 12.256) as an Associate Editor.


Congratulations to Yi Yang on graduating from the Computational Materials MS program and starting a PhD in our group!


Congratulations to Kehan Tang on graduating from the Computational Materials MS program and starting the NEU Information-Systems Bridge MS program!


Congratulations to Kaiji Zhao and Jiashuo Wang on graduating from the research based MS program in MSE!


Happy Halloween!


At the MSE Halloween party with Ginni and Thomas O’Connor, Rachel Kurchin, and Jerry Wang


Noa receives the 2021 Dean’s Early Career Fellowship

Noa receives the award from Dean Sanders

Jack, Rob, Noa, and Isla at the award ceremony

Welcome new PhD student Yiqun Luo!


Welcome new PhD student Kevin Larkin!


This Fall catch Noa (virtually) at: