Spring 2018
Welcome new undergraduate assistant Harriet O’Brien!
Congratulations to Farren Curtis on successfully defending her PhD thesis and continuing in our group as a postdoc!
Noa is co-organizing with Jorge Martín del Campo Ramírez (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico), Sam Trickey (University of Florida), and Alberto Vela (CINVESTAV) Symposium D1: Computational Discovery of Advanced Materials at the XXVII International Materials Research Congress (IMRC), which will take place in Cancun, Mexico on August 19-24 2018.
This symposium focuses upon theoretical and computational progress toward discovery and in silico characterization of advanced material structure and properties. The technological and scientific drivers include high-throughput materials screening (e.g. materials genome) as well as prediction and analysis for experimentally difficult-to-access conditions. Major advances in computation of structural, electronic, magnetic, optical, and superconducting properties of materials will be covered. Underlying advances in theory and algorithms will be integral components of presentations by leading innovators. Physical systems range nano-clusters to solids in extreme thermodynamic states. Example materials categories include two-dimensional systems, transport in molecular-scale junctions, structure and response in highly confined crystals, strongly correlated materials, insulator-metal transitions, molecular magnets and multi-ferroic assemblies, etc. Emphasis is on first-principles methods, well-controlled approximations, and the looming exa-scale computing environment. Cross-connection with relevant innovations in quantum chemistry and machine learning techniques will be made. Efficient code implementation, especially in novel architectures, also will be covered where relevant.
Topics of interest include:
- Recent advances in electronic structure theory
- Electronic and thermal transport in nanoscale systems
- Materials for clean energy and the environment
- Materials for catalysis
- Strongly correlated materials
- Matter under extreme conditions
The abstract submission deadline is March 15, 2018. See you in Cancun!
Noa was awarded an August-Wilhelm Scheer Visiting Professorship at the Technical University Munich (TUM). The August-Wilhelm Scheer Visiting Professorship is designed to enrich the vibrant research culture at TUM by supporting researchers with outstanding international reputation who wish to engage in an intensive collaboration with TUM researchers. Within the framework of TUM’s strategy the August-Wilhelm Scheer Program facilitates as its main objective new and innovative approaches in cutting-edge research fields and supports complementary research-orientated teaching. August-Wilhelm Scheer Visiting Professors are also awarded a membership as “Honorary Fellow” of the TUM Institute for Advanced Study (IAS).
Noa is a co-PI of the newly launched NSF Partnership for International Research and Education (PIRE), Hybrid Materials for Quantum Science and Engineering (HYBRID), led by Sergey Frolov from the University of Pittsburgh. The center is dedicated to developing new hardware for quantum computers based on interfaces between dissimilar materials.
Congratulations to Tim Rose on passing the Research Performance Evaluation (RPE)!
Congratulations to Alfred Liu on receiving his MS degree and continuing to a PhD in our group!
This Spring catch Noa at: