Summer 2015 (Tulane)
Congratulations to Austin Polanco-Valdez for winning second place in the LA-SiGMA REU poster competition!
We welcome undergraduate students Andrey Burin, Kat Cosburn (U. Toronto), and Austin Polanco-Valdez (Stony Brook).
Congratulations to Joe Knight for graduating and receiving the Senior Scholar Award for his honors thesis “Benchmark of GW Methods for Electron Acceptors”!
T his Summer, catch Noa at:
- The 2015 Southeastern Theoretical Chemistry Association (SETCA) Annual Meeting, Orlando FL
- Theory of Metal Atoms, Clusters, and Nanoparticles Stabilized by Organic Matter Workshop, Helsinki Finland
- Recent Advances in Computational Modeling for Energy Applications, Haifa Israel
- Multiscale Simulations of Organic Electronic Materials, Telluride CO
- 28th International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS 2015), Helsinki Finland
- XXIV International Materials Research Congress (IMRC), Cancun Mexico
Noa and co-PIs Volker Blum (Duke), Oliver Hofmann (Technical University Graz, Austria), Hong Li (GA-Tech), Thomas Körzdörfer (University of Potsdam, Germany), Christian Ratsch (UCLA), Patrick Rinke (Aalto University, Finland), Chad Risko (U. Kentucky), and Alvaro Vazquez-Mayagoitia (ALCF) received an Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) Leadership Computing Challenge (ALCC) Award of 120,000,000 CPU hours at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) and the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) for the project “Computational Design of Interfaces for Photovoltaics”.